Wednesday, 23 April 2008

F2 photo shoot

Well Maui has certainly provided the goods for a great photo shoot. Waves at the beginning, then wind and sun nearly everyday. I think I must have done a thousand duck gybes, laydown gybes and generally free ride smiling. Hopefully there are a few shots where I am not pulling stupid faces! We now have a couple of days off before the wind returns along with a swell. I leave on Monday so hopefully I can get in a couple more days.


Anonymous said...

Saw a couple of sneeky pics of the new 09 Boxer (that Bassett has posted on the 2XS site), looks lovely but not sure about the one-handed gybe though, very 80s!

Skyeboy said...

its hard with the free ride boards because they dont want anything radical. I must have done about a thousand duck gybes, carving 360's and, yes, a load of 1 handed gybes.